Work From Home in Summer: Reduce you AC bills this summer-conserve cash during this COVID-19 situation

When the whole world is fighting with COVID-19, majority of the workforce is working from home during this summer. We all should follow the guidelines to maintain social distancing.

Now in this blog I would like to highlight how we can reduce AC bills in this summer. A common misconception is that setting the thermostat at 18 degrees will cool down a room faster. However, that’s not true. It will take the same amount of time for the room to reach 26 degrees—which is significantly cooler than the average current outdoor temperature of 40 degrees in Delhi—whether you set the temperature at 18 degrees or 26 degrees. Of course, 18 degrees will be much cooler than 26 degrees, if that’s what you prefer.

But you pay a price for lower temperature. When you set a lower temperature, the AC compressor works longer, which means more power consumption. On the other hand, if you increase the temperature to, say, 24 degrees, the compressor will work for much less time, leading to less power consumption.

Once the desired temperature is reached, the compressor stops functioning, and only the AC fan works. The compressor restarts once the thermostat detects increase in temperature.

Things to remember

The power consumption of an AC doesn’t just depend on the temperature you set it at. How much power your AC consumes depends on its star rating, the outside temperature, the hours of usage, size of the room, number of people in the room, insulation in the room, etc.

If you are setting the AC at low temperature and using a quilt or a blanket, it is not only unhealthy, it is also pure wastage of energy.

Normal human body temperature is approximately 36-37 degrees and putting your body through extreme high temperature on the outside and low temperature on the inside can affect your health.

So increase the temperature of your AC and keep it at moderate levels in order to not only conserve power, but also save on electricity bills. So save energy whether its home or office.


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