5G will change the world ?

When we envision the future, what do we see? A world with flying cars and robots that do all our work? Or do we see something deeper? A world full of possibility for human kind, a world where an open and free Internet and open networks give way to new experiences and capabilities for all of us – consumers and businesses alike. 

5G is opening up the world in a way we’ve only imagined until now. It will largely be up to businesses – and really, individuals like you – to build this new world on top of open 5G networks. 5G isn’t just another generation of wireless technology; it represents a seminal moment in the evolution of technology’s ability to transform industries, the economy and society and will give way to digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

But the full realization of this moment depends on business networks transitioning to intelligent, software-based infrastructure. 5G is the smart in smart grid, the smart in cars, and the smart in cities, and factories, and ports, and more. It is the smart network that is required to make the promises of a smart world a reality. It will lead to innovations in companies, homes, cities and countries around the world. Businesses are in a position to imagine the future and to build it today, thanks to 5G. 

Imagine a world in which your morning commute is minimized because your vehicle is communicating with other vehicles and sensors on the road. Today Siri will tell us which route to take to avoid accidents, but tomorrow vehicles will alert each other about road and environmental conditions, among other things.  

Imagine a world where humans, cameras, devices and sensors connect to a shared network to inform a new kind of communications system. This will result in the rise of automated seaports, which are predicted to reduce operating expenses by 25 to 55 percent and increase productivity by 10 to 35 percent (McKinsey). It will also result in smart factories where each facility is connected to another, and to its customers, and the entire supply chain.

Imagine a world where you and/or your customers can stream live video at 8k and download feature-length movies in seconds on your mobile device. This changes the game for content producers and distributors, marketers and consumers. 

Imagine a world where your city and its utilities and services are automated and connected, improving the management of traffic congestion and pollution, among other things.   

This is the 5G world. And it will lead to a fundamental reimagining of the world in which we live and work. For businesses, it means transformative customer experiences, changes in roles and functions inside the company, automated processes and operations and better decision making that improves efficiency, scalability and agility.

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